Friday, May 6, 2011

The kitchen is the heart of the home! (and it has sweets!)

Ok - I know that the "real" heart of our home is our mother :)  But the kitchen is where we all end up whenever all of us gather at the Farm! We have all logged countless hours chopping, cutting, dicing, and marinating our way to a great meal. Growing up, we hardly ever went out to eat...our Mom cooked dinner for us every night, and did it from fresh ingredients. To this day, my siblings and I would rather use fresh veggies over canned, scratch ingredients over boxed, and we all have asked Mom "How do I do this?" or "What if this happens?" when faced with a cooking issue. My Mom, sister, and sister-in-law all know how to bake...anything!!  Given my lack of a sweet tooth, I never bothered to learn. Now that I'm older, I regret that I can't even operate an Easy-Bake oven. (Do those still exist?)   So I have much to learn, and am very thankful for my 3 wise women (Mom, Mamby, and Rachy) and what they can teach me!

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