Friday, May 6, 2011

The Food Lover's Companion

My first "place" was a 1 bedroom apartment in Athens.  I crammed my tiny kitchen full of various kitchen odds and ends.  Most of my supplies were hand-me-downs from our old lake house, my Mom's kitchen from our first home, my sister, or a local discount store.  I remember calling Mom countless times asking her what ingredient was in a specific recipe or calling Melissa to ask her how she made her shrimp scampi.  Those phone calls eventually led them gifting me The Food Lover's Companion.  If you've never heard of it you are going to love it!  It is essentially a dictionary related solely to food.  Whatever the ingredient you are sure to find it in this book.  Thousands of foods are listed in it from A - Z.  I have used it as a kitchen reference for years and the food stained pages are proof!  I encourage you to pick up a copy or if you know someone who is just starting off in the kitchen, buy one for them! 

My niece, Catherine, is now entering into her sophomore year at Valdosta State University.  She moved out of her dorm recently and into her first apartment..ahh, memories!!  When Frank and I got married we packed up all of my old kitchen supplies for her.  Last week I gave my sister-in-law, Elizabeth, all of the boxes to bring to her at college.  With the stress of college and work, I didn't want her to worry about going out and spending money on things that I already had for her for free.  My other niece, Emily, is very passionate about cooking.  She helps plan the meals for family gatherings and I love that when I ask what I can bring to dinner Elizabeth says, "Let me talk to Emily first"!  I think I know what they're all getting for Christmas!

Best Dishes!

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