Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Swiss Chard?

A friend, Erin, at work is 8 1/2 months pregnant.  Each week she gets an email/update on the size of her baby girl, Claire.  These updates compare the size of Claire to a fruit or vegetable.  I remember when Sandy E did this on her blog for Olivia before she was born.  Each week I've enjoyed seeing Claire grow right before my eyes.  This week Claire is the size of a leaf of swiss chard!  Interesting...


Erin graciously offerd me the swiss chard since she'd never had it. I decided to cook the swiss chard since: a) I've never had it, b) I hate to see food thrown away, and c) I'm always up for a food challenge!  Over the past year I've been coaxing Erin into cooking her husband, Kyle, different recipes and encouraging her to try new things.  Well, tonight she returned the favor!  I have no recipe of my own to cook the swiss chard so I did a little research.  I settled on this recipe from the Food Network website since it had some good reviews and I had all of the ingredients already at home:

The verdict is still out and I'm interested to see what Frank says about the chard.  (He had some very colorful nicknames for swiss chard earlier today that I'll spare you from.)  I thought it was both interesting and different.  I'm neutral.  The green itself was a little bitter, but the flavor was good.  I used smoked paprika instead of the cumin.  I think I'll try it again with the cumin before giving it a "yay" or a "nay".  Anyone have any other swiss chard recipes to share?  I've always said there are 2 things I won't eat: Jell-O and beef stroganoff.  We'll see if I am adding a 3rd to the list!   

After:  All of that swiss chard made so little!


  1. I'm with you on the jello, but beef strog?? Really? It's so good! Have you ever had the Ewanowski version?

  2. Hahaha! I love that you made the chard! Too bad you never got to make the "name". Thanks for humoring me and glad it wasn't terrible :)

  3. Ali - No, I've never had the Ewok stroganoff...or as I like to call it, "The Strog". You might be able to tempt me to try it again! I am always open to trying new things! Jell-O, no way!

    Erin - thanks for the free side dish!
