Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

While Meliss' and I are in Columbus & Athens we are at home DREAMING of all of the fun the Skilling Family is having in the Florida Keys right now!  Family and friends are all gathered in Islamorda for a week (or a month for Mom & Dad) of swimming, snorkling, diving, fishing, sunbathing, and downright F-U-N! 

I called tonight for a quick check-in and found that the boys went on an awesome chartered fishing trip on Monday and caught a boatload of Mahi-Mahi!  They also had an afternoon of back-country fishing today that yielded 2 Red Snapper...way to go Rachel and Teresa!  As luck would have it they just finished dinner and the dishes right when I called.  All I remember was something about fish tacos & mango salsa!  I can't wait to see pictures of their amazing dinner and trip!  Wink-Wink!  Wishing y'all the BEST.WEEK.EVER!  =)

The beautiful sunset in the Florida Bay (2009)


  1. SO JEALOUS of all the fun and food and drinks I know they all are having. Hopefully we'll be able to go again one of these summers. Maybe 2012 is our year?!

  2. Oh my! 2012 Better be my year...Miss it so!!

  3. 2012 is ON like Donkey Kong!
