Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lazy Sunday

I have been in Spring cleaning mode this week going through our closet, cabinets, office, and linen closets trying to get more organized.  All of this cleaning/de-cluttering has made me think about my Mom.  She is always trying to organize and I even bought her "Organization for Dummies" last year!  I told her 2011 was going to be her "Year of Organization"!  I'm not sure that has worked yet, but I know she is trying!  Back to my I am going through this stuff I thought about what she told me not that long ago.  She said you don't have nice things or go out and buy nice clothes and then never use them!  Funny how I seem to hang on to something that is newer and save it for that special time when I'll need it. I wind up hardly ever using it! 

On our 2 year anniversary we used our fine china.  Mom said to me the other day, "You need to use your fine china more often".  I got to thinking during all of my de-cluttering, "Why do I have this fine china if I only use it once or twice per year?"  So, starting today I am starting a new tradition.  On each Sunday dinner we are going to use our fine china!  My creative juices are definitely not flowing today, but I've managed to put a dinner together in the crock pot.  Crock pot dinner = time to catch up on my DVR! 

Here's what I am making for dinner:

1 comment:

  1. I love that idea! I have taken ours out for a few holidays dinners, but that's it. Such a waste! Hope you enjoyed your Sunday off, I know they are rare these days!
